Friday, November 30, 2007

today we shovel

todays workout for me, back 1000 feet of burm and backfill around three condos with a shovel.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

5k today

tonight 5k run on the golf course.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

staying in tonight

today is crossfit total and im not going.. after not doing it for over three weeks I can't believe that it is gonna be any better than my last one.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

runnin fool

today was a rest day for crossfit. for coolrunning it was 5 min brisk walk for warmup followed by 8 min running or 3/4 mile. followed by 5 min brisk walk followed by 8 min or 3/4 mile run, followed by a 5 min cooldown walk.

also kemp went again. he's doing weightwatchers with trish. trish has been going to the gym devoutly with kristen. i'm very happy for them :)

Monday, November 26, 2007


ok, so sunday i went to okemo and skied all day. Today however, the weirdest thing happened. Kemp called me up and asked to go to the gym. I almost dropped the phone.. and then he actually went. so I went and did the crossfit workout. 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 in which i subbed reps for weighted pu. also did normal warmup of 3 rounds pushups, squats and situps followed by 18 minutes of run/walk in two minute intervals. im going tomarrow with him as well.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

im a slacker

ok..wednesday, had to pick up the rents at bradley, so no workout.. but I broke the rest of the pins at work, so it wasnt a total loss. thursday, helped matt transfer tires from old blazer to new one, and took off lights and went to noho to get a brew kit to start brewing beer again. friday, had a meeting late at work, then went to matt's to help switch change ball joints in the new blazer. went out to the oaks after that to witness dj getting beat in pool by a one armed man. saturday, worked in the morning, then changed the oil in my truck. sunday, played golf

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I have decided to add some running to my crossfit program. I will do the WOD from and also the beginner 5k training program from today happens to be a rest day for both.. although it wasnt a total rest day. I broke foundation pins in two cellars holes. yesterday was 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 back squat from crossfit and 5 minute walking warmup followed by 90 seconds running followed by 2 minutes walking, done for 25:00 minutes. its funny that the start program for running is a anarobic workout. for the crossfit workout my weights were 95-135-185-225-275-285-295

re-inspired inspiration

(inspired by dlric)=>from limitations on myspace and seeing my freinds blog. Ive decided that I should have a record of my fitness attempts.